威尼斯官网在线 takes pride in the level of support for both students and staff that identify in the LGBTQIA+ community. We have welcoming, affirming schools, classrooms, teams, and clubs. We value all of our children, youth, teachers, staff, and parents.
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加文·格林 is a nationally known advocate for transgender rights. 15岁的时候, Gavin was banned from using the men's restroom in his school because he is a transgender man. He testified to his school district, explaining that as a transgender teen, being forced to use bathrooms at school besides the one that matched his gender was “alienating” and “humiliating.” With support from the 美国公民自由联盟, Gavin took his case through the legal system all the way to the Supreme Court who, by declining to hear Grimm vs Gloucester County 学校 Board in 2021, upheld lower court's rulings that not allowing Gavin to use the men's restroom violated his constitutional rights under Title IX. Gavin today is 23 and continues to advocate for his community.